Table of Contents
Parties are no excuse for eating the wrong foods and putting on weight. Avoid junk food and moctails; they are nothing but sugar. Request for soda. (How do I avoid junk food when I have to attend parties?) Add lots of ice, lemon slices, and maybe a green chili for that zing. If you like, add some free powder to sweeten it. A fresh lime soda is also good.
When eating at a party, unless you speak out, no one is ever going to notice what’s on your plate.
Eat more rotis (without ghee), raita, and dry dishes at parties.
At parties, choose the foods carefully and limit portion sizes. Dry dishes are less oily as compared to the gravies; raita has no oil; and rotis are complex carbohydrates that fill you up well. No nans or any other maide ki rotis. Atta is good for you.
Recommended saving: I normally eat 1 tandoori roti. A bowl full of raita, a small helping of sukhi subzis, and a generous amount of salad chunks. None of those salads had dressings.
Gravy is the trouble. Avoid sauces and gravies
Traditional sauces like mayonnaise, gravies, and other dressings are often made from cream, white flour, and oil. For curries, do not take too much gravy; if it’s aloo matar tari waale or rajmah, try leaving the gravy behind and picking up the solid food.
When you go to weddings and parties, leave the gravies and pick up only the solid food. The gravy has a lot of fat in it. Thick gravies may also have pastes of cashew nuts, sesame seeds (til), or khus khus—all very fattening! Thin gravies are still better than thick, rich gravies. Don’t deprive yourself of this sweet dish. Choose the lightest one and take a very small quantity. Eat it very slowly, enjoying every bite.
The day after the party
After having enjoyed a rich dinner party, always remember to eat a very light lunch the next day—it may be just lots of fruits—to make up for the extra calories you consumed the night before. Similarly, after a heavy lunch, opt for a light soup and a toasted slice of bread or a chutney sandwich for dinner.
If you do happen to eat ice cream, fried snacks, or overeat with friends, do not get discouraged. Plan your diet sensibly for the next day so that you consume an extremely low-calorie diet to make up for the excess calories consumed earlier. Remember, it is the total calories consumed over a period of time that add to your weight. Extra 3500 calories make 1 pound of flesh, and an ice cream has only 250 calories. Surely you can intake 125 calories less through food and burn 125 extra calories by doing a little extra walking or other exercise the next day. So, stay motivated even after an occasional binge!
Pot-luck parties
When you are invited to someone’s home for dinner or a party, offer to bring something that you can eat. You don’t have to announce that you are on a special diet. Chances are, your host will not even notice that the dish you bring is low in fat.
Avoid Junk Foods Chart when attend party
Fried Foods:
- Potato chips
- Chicken wings
- Mozzarella sticks
- Onion rings
Sugary Drinks:
- Soda
- Sweetened cocktails
- Fruit punch
- Energy drinks
Processed Snacks:
- Cheese puffs
- Packaged cookies
- Pretzels
- Crackers with artificial flavourings
Candy and Sweets:
- Gummy candies
- Chocolate bars
- Candy-coated chocolates
- Lollipops
Creamy Dips and Dressings:
- Ranch dressing
- Sour cream-based dips
- Cheese dips
- Cream cheese spreads
There are a lot of junk foods around the world. In the main junk food names and what foods you can avoid, I have explained above. So if you have obesity or any chronic disease, you can avoid junk food when you have to attend parties. If you can eat one or two times a month, a month, it’s not a big issue if your health is normal.
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What to do when you overeat on a diet
After having enjoyed a rich dinner party, always remember to eat a very light lunch the next day—it may be just lots of fruits—to make up for the extra calories you consumed the night before. Similarly, after a heavy lunch, opt for a light soup and a toasted slice of bread or a chutney sandwich for dinner.
Why do I overeat at parties?
Now days, people are adding heavy junk food to parties; if you consume too much junk food, it’s mindless. If you consume one time a month, it’s not a big issue; if you do it regularly, it’s a big mistake. In the future, this will be a problem in health.