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Symptoms of pregnancy in 1st month Certain characteristic symptoms occur very early in pregnancy, and most women go to their doctor for confirmation of pregnancy as soon as they are aware of them. In my opinion, you should first check whether you have these symptoms before going to the hospital. These symptoms are major, so you can easily identify them.
1. Missed Menstrual Period
The failure of the period to come at the usual time is generally the first sign of pregnancy. A missed menstrual period in any woman of childbearing age who is having sexual intercourse should be presumed to be due to pregnancy, unless otherwise proved. Once the menstrual periods have established a normal rhythm, pregnancy is the commonest cause for their delay or absence. If a woman who has been regular in her periods does not menstruate for a period of 2 months, it can be taken as certain that she has become pregnant.
2. Modifications to the Breasts
Together with the absence of a period, the breast changes are usually the most convincing evidence of early pregnancy. The premenstrual fullness of the breast continues when the period does not appear, and within a matter of days, the symptoms become even more marked. The breasts feel full, slightly tender, and more sensitive than usual, especially in the region of the areola (the pink area around the nipple) and the nipple. There may also be a sensation of tingling. The breasts enlarge quite slowly but definitely so that by the end of the 6th week after the last menstrual period, there are very appreciable changes in their size. The nipple also enlarges, becomes more prominent, and becomes more sensitive.
3. Nausea
Nausea, or the sensation of feeling sick, is very common in the first three months of pregnancy and is frequently the first symptom noticed by women. The nausea tends to be more prevalent in the early morning, although it can occur at any time of the day. It follows an individual pattern not only in each person but also in each pregnancy. Some women experience nausea in the morning alone, others in the evening, and the more unfortunate may suffer for most of the day. It is frequently, although not necessarily followed by vomiting, when it is known as early morning’s sickness. Nausea is accompanied by a sensation of fullness in the upper abdomen, which may become so severe that a woman will actually make herself vomit in order to relieve this pressure.
4. Vomiting
Vomiting in early pregnancy is usually associated with severe nausea, but this is not an unbroken rule. The vomiting or morning sickness, generally occurs early in the mornings relieving a fairly severe degree of nausea. Actual vomiting often happens rather suddenly without the disagreeable symptoms that precede it in the non-pregnant person. Vomiting during pregnancy can occur at any time later in the day and will usually be worse if a woman is subjected to strain, to strain, stress of worry.
5. Micturition
Sometimes the earliest symptoms of pregnancy are an increase in the frequency of micturition. The majority of women pass urine between 3 and 5 times each day and do not have to get up to empty their bladders at night. It is not unusual in the early months of pregnancy for a pregnant woman to have to pass urine every 2 hours during the day and for her to get up at least twice during the night. This is not abnormal so long as there is no pain or discomfort and is due to pressure from the enlarging uterus, which is still within the pelvis, on the bladder. The frequency of micturition tends to become less marked during the fourth month but may again become more severe towards the end of pregnancy, especially just before or after the baby’s head has engaged in the pelvis.
6. Constipation
Constipation is an early symptom of pregnancy but is not sufficiently definite to assist in its diagnosis. The action of the hormone progesterone relaxes the muscle of the intestine, reducing its movement and causing varying degrees of constipation, which, unless treated, will probably continue throughout the whole pregnancy.
7. Taste
Alteration in taste may be among the earliest of pregnancy symptoms. Some women will recognize a strange taste in their mouth even before they miss their first period. Such a taste is characteristic of each individual and is usually described as metallic. It is very difficult to differentiate between smell and taste, and a pregnant woman has a different appreciation for different smells and perfumes and usually an intense dislike of the smell of cooking fat.
8. Skin changes
Changes in the skin are not very common in early pregnancy, but in some people, they do occur relatively early, and occasionally, they are noticeable. Dry skin tends to become drier quite early in pregnancy. Some women develop spots on the face, especially around the area where the area where the complexion returns to normal. On rare occasions, however, they may persist for several weeks or even months.
I have explained the symptoms of pregnancy above, including these major symptoms when a woman is pregnant. If you get these symptoms, you can test them yourself using a medical kit; otherwise, you can consult a doctor.
How I knew I was pregnant before missed period
Some women’s notice of bleeding less occurred in the days before, and at the same time, breast enlargement’s monthly menstrual date passed. I have explained all the details briefly in this article.
First 72 hours of pregnancy symptoms
In the first 72 hours, most people do not have any symptoms; if you want to confirm, consulting a doctor is the best option. In this article, I have explained all about pregnancy.